Tutorials & Guides

Tutorials & Guides

New Campaign Creation | Mundo - Vertical Ad Platform
Thanks for signing up with Joinville and our platform for vertical ad campaigns - Mundo. Please read on for the steps for creating your first online...
Thu, 15 Oct, 2015 at 1:04 AM
How do I create tracking tags?
You can create 3 types of tracking tags for your campaigns. The GIF above demonstrates step-by-step how to create these tracking tags.  Impre...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 at 2:02 PM
How to change daily budget/total budget/CPM + more in live campaigns!
Check out the GIF above which demonstrates how to make these changes for live campaigns.  Ranging from CPM bids, daily budgets, total budgets,...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 at 2:53 PM
How do I pause placements/sites?
Optimization is one of the most important parts of managing a campaign. One of the key factors in campaign optimization is the ability to determine ...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2016 at 2:55 PM